by the river police the border brigade coast
were 1946 -1949 water police units responsible for border security
. 1950 -1961 it was the German border police See.1961
was formed 6.Grenzbrigade the coast. In the early years 1946
old uniforms, reworked and Navy buttons versehen.Dazu
carried the members of the Water Police Marine hats and
an armband (white) with the inscription "Narodnaya Policija" (folk
police). With the founding of the German border police See
wore their uniforms and members of some effects of population
Lake police and later the uniform of Seestreitkräfte.Eine
was carrying method was then
order dated 01.01.1958 festgelegt.Bis the weapons now, the color blau.Ab Weapons color "green"
getragen.Die Border Brigade coast was assumed in 1961 the People's Navy
Since it is very difficult to prove what was in effect at the DGP
Lake worn and what not, I leave it plain
moldings and effects of the WSSP, VP-sea and naval forces-
in my blog.
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